Hey everyone!
Do you ever catch yourself wishing you could be better at something? Maybe it’s your job, running, working out, drawing, singing, dancing, etc.. We all are guilty we say things like “I wish I could look like that” or “I wish I had enough money to take that kind of vacation”. Well, yes it’s true someone will always be better than you at something. That’s why it is important to STOP that right now, RIGHT THIS SECOND. Stop comparing yourself to others, stop wishing you were better at something, and stop hoping to have someone else’s life. THIS IS YOUR LIFE. Start living it. Stop wishing your already awesome life away. Stop complaining about your job, because you know what? A JOB IS A BLESSING! The unemployment rate is skyrocket high, but YOU my friend have a job. How can you complain about a blessing?
Wish you were taking that vacation? Complaining about your job and dreading going into work, isn’t going to get you that promotion. You need to live a positive life for positive things to come your way. Try waking up and saying, Today is going to be a good day. I am beautiful/handsome, I am strong, and I am successful. Tell yourself these things and see how great your day will start off!
Those Negative Nancys suck the fun out of EVERYTHING. Don’t be one of “them”. Be you. Be grateful. Be happy. Be positive. Be AWESOME. I hope you realize that by comparing yourself to others, you will always have so far to go, but by comparing yourself to YOU yesterday, as long as you have done one positive thing today, whether it be working out, eating healthy, reading personal development, working hard at work, or crossing things off your to-do list. YOU ARE better today than you were yesterday. You are your own worst critic.
Stop putting yourself down, and start saying, I ROCK!
Happy Sunday Everyone!
What’s this about negative Nancy’s. My name is Nancy and I am one of the most positive, inspirational people around when it comes to getting people to exercise! Great article, though. I agree we live in one of the best places on earth and we need to be thankful.