Want Me to Tell You What To Do For 30 Days!?
DONE! Click on the picture to make it bigger, save it or print it and post it somewhere where you are likely to take 3-5 minutes out of your day and get some extra exercise! Snake your way around my 30 day challenge for a change of routine! Try it out!

I made this routine because when I went home both of my sisters were doing a 30 day squat challenge. One of my sisters really liked it because it was simple and easy to follow. Ask and you shall receive! Please feel free to leave comments on anything you would like me to post on my page, your wish is my command! This blog is to promote health, happiness, and fitness. Honestly, your feedback is really appreciated!
***NOTE: If you can only do 5 push-ups, here is a modification. Take DAY 1, for example: Do 5 push-ups + 5 push-ups from your knees, try to do 6 regular pushups the next day + 9 from your knees. Modify, but also keep pushing yourself each day!
***NOTE: Keep your back flat, don’t pike or droop your butt during planks and push-ups.
***Exercises You May Not Know:
Squat & Kick = Squat down, come up, kick right leg out in front of you, alternate legs
Side Kicks = Stand on one leg with knee slightly bent, and kick the other leg out to the side, arms in front of you in fists. You can punch one arm out to the side that you are kicking to for balance.
Dips on Chair =see below. You can push chair against wall so it doesn’t move. DO NOT USE A ROLLING CHAIR!
START TODAY! Push yourself to be better tomorrow than you were today!
I love this! ^^ Start working today for the body you will wish you had 3 months from now. You are your only competition. Everyone is at different stages of their fitness journey. Focus on YOU! Love your body, treat it right!
That’s all for me today!
Make it a great day!
Xo- April