HOLY MOLY, I haven’t posted in forever, I apologize!
My life has been so busy! Let me catch you up!
UPDATE: If you are a Vanguard employee, it’s come to my attention that is against their policy for me to endorse any products- so if you have any questions about Shakeology please e-mail me on my personal account: april.pinkney@gmail.com I really would love to keep my job so we can not discuss it at ShipShape. I would be more than willing to meet you for coffee outside of work to discuss Shakeology and your health and fitness goals ANYTIME too, so just e-mail me! 
Ok, So anyways… I’ve been doing my body combat regularly- I’m loving it!
First of all- if anyone has any of these programs above (P90X, Insanity, etc) and wants to stay accountable- I have a group that will keep you motivated and ACCOUNTABLE! Add me to facebook: http://www.facebook.com/april.pinkney.5 and I will add you! It’s awesome, we all post workouts and meals and encourage each other! It’s full of super awesome people!
This is my 6 month old niece, Clover! I got to see her this weekend! HOW DOES A CHILD GET THIS CUTE?! AHH LOVE BEING AN AUNT!
I went home this weekend for Dani Johnson’s First Steps To Success Seminar- it was LIFE CHANGING! It was an amazing personal development seminar for life, business, and just EVERYTHING. Check out her website http://www.danijohnson.com You can sign up for free daily e-mails and she has a live radio show multiple times a week that is just AMAZING. I’m telling you, EVERYONE can benefit from her! Here she is below in mid-sentence, lol. She is a millionaire that came from nothing. She was mentally, physically, emotionally, and sexually abused growing up, pregnant at 17, and homeless at 22. She became a millionaire from a home business from the trunk of her car and a phone booth and she gives you AMAZING tips to be sucessful in all aspects of your life! I’m blown away by how amazing it was! All of her proceeds from these events go 100% to feeding orphans, widows, elderly, and helping to save children/teens from the sex trade. Is that not motivation enough to go? It’s an investment in yourself!
Below is a picture of Kelly and I from the Seminar. She is a beautiful person inside and out! Follow her on facebook Kelly Hanner and instagram: @KellyHanner she is so smart and fun and motivational, I am so lucky to have met her through INSTAGRAM and found out about being an Online Health & Fitness Coach for BeachBody. So blessed. Any questions? E-mail me at april.pinkney@gmail.com
There are 125 people on this stage. After all of their testimonials were averaged.. 125 people paid off $6.5 MILLION dollars in debt!! AMAZING! On average that was $88,000 per person in 14 months!! I WILL be one of these people! Watch me WORKKKK! I have $62,000 in student and car loans whoaaaa boy. I’m giving myself a 3 year goal.. it will be gone thanks to Dani Johnson’s WAR ON DEBT program I bought!
NOW if this doesn’t make you laugh, you’re just not fun. I love this! Be bold, be kind, be strong, be loyal, be compassionate, be passionate, be proud, believe in yourself, be confident, be yOu! Love yourself and your relationships and life will reap the benegits. What are you waiting for? Do big things today! 
So, I was enjoying my spinach and tomato egg white omelete at Denny’s with my grandma when I noticed this placemat above…. WTF? I HAVE NO IDEA HOW AMERICA IS SO FAT?!?! MMMMM SATURATED FAT ON SATURATED FAT! STACKS ON STACKS ON STACKS! SIGN ME UP! This is just gross! Does this even sound good to anyone!??!
I had Shakeology for breakfast today and loved every last drop! Yum!! Want to know how I lost 2 inches form my waist and now have NO stomach issues while not changing a darn thing about my exercise routine? Ask me how to get your shakeology! Here is my dinner from today. I posted the recipe last week! Sweet potato mash, green beans, and grilled chicken YUM!
Here is my cheat meal from the week above. It is a Morning Star brand Spicy Black Bean Burger. I used to think this was a really healthy meal up until a few months ago. But is it clean? NO! There are so many preservatives, so ALWAYS make your own black bean burgers when possible! I will post my recipe this week for homemade black bean burgers! I’m trying to be more gluten free when possible, so I used red cabbage and hot sauce instead of a bun! I also made baked sweet potato fries to go with it! YUM!
I’ll leave you with this gem- my lil 3 year old peanut, Lily, was sleeping over my parents house when I went home this weekend. My pregnant sister, Lily, and I all shared a bed Saturday night and had a “pajama party”. She is the cutest thing ever, literally couldn’t be more wrapped around her finger. She was not interested in getting up at 6am with me, so I snuck a pic, lol. Creepy Aunt Apple! It’s the little things in life. I’m thankful for my family today, because I would not be the person I am today without their love & support. Have a great day, and please feel free to leave comments about any recipes/workouts you would like to see on the blog!
Xo- April