I wanted to take a minute to write up Adley Grace’s birth story, and it is crazy to me that just over 2 weeks ago we brought her home, because I can’t imagine my life without her.
So, because I’m new mommin’ right now, I am going to make this short and sweet because I hear little Miss stirring waking up from her nap in the other room, lol.
{45 seconds later} Just kidding, now I’m typing with one hand as she nurses haha! On Wednesday, November 9th, I had my 39 week OBGYN appointment and I was 1 cm dilated. I was still able to workout Wednesday, but felt crampy Wednesday night and all day Thursday. I knew things were starting to happen so I was mentally preparing for it all day. Cramps turned to contractions at 1:30 am and there were about 50 seconds long every 7-10 minutes. I downloaded a contraction counter app to track them which helped a ton. By 3:00 they were every 5 minutes for a minute duration. I texted my doula, Helen, who is AHHH-MAZINGGG by the way, and she told me to take a hot bath to speed up the process. About 4:30 or 5am they were about every 4 minutes and pretty intense, so my mom (who was in town from PA), my hubby, and I left for the hospital and I met Helen there.
About 6am, I was checked into a small room and was at dilated to 3 cm and 50% effaced, the doctor said I needed to be 4 cm to stay, and said she would check on me in 2 hours. So, at 8am when she checked again, I was at 6cm and 80% effaced thank goodness! The contractions were so strong the entire time and my goal was to have a natural birth that I was trying to focus on my breathing and the thought of my baby girl the whole time. Once we got to the delivery room, they drew me a hot bath in this huge amazing jacuzzi tub. My doula had little LED lights that she called her elf hats to mimick candles, turned the lights off, my hubby had music playing, and there was lavender essential oils in a diffuser. It was just my hubby and I in the bathroom, and it was perfect. The bath made me feel almost human again and I could actually talk to people and open my eyes, the previous 2 hours were too painful to do that lol. My doula said the bath was nature’s epidural and I would have to agree.
When I felt like I was legit going to poop myself, (sorry there is no TMI in birth stories lol) the Dr. came to check me again and I was at 10 cm and 100% effaced. I was so happy to hear her say, “You’re there, girl, let’s get this baby out”. This was after me saying, “I don’t want to do it natural anymore, I want the drugs” lol, so NO, I didn’t get the drugs, because it was Go time by the time I really wanted them. It felt like I was in the bath for 45+ minutes, but it was really only abut 15 minutes lol. So, I went from 6cm to 10 cm in less than 25 minutes, which is pretty incredible I’ve been told, especially for a first time mom. Everyone said that because I was so active during my pregnancy, that’s why my labor progressed so quickly. I’m not sure how true that is, but I’m just glad it went fast because that was CRAZY intense pain.
When we got out to the bed, my doctor was amazing and said when I felt a contraction, listen to my body and push and bare down as I felt I need to. She would just tell me when to slow down and push less, so I wouldn’t tear.
I feel bad saying this, because I know so many people have terrible birth stories, but I pushed 3 times through 3 contractions, so a total of 9 times and it couldn’t have been more than 10 minutes and our perfect baby girl was here at 9:20 am weighing 6 lbs 2 oz and was 20 inches long. She arrived on Friday, November 11, 2016 on Veterans Day one day before her due date. She was the perfect little peanut, and we couldn’t get over how beautiful and tiny she was with a FULL head of hair.
I couldn’t have asked for a better birth, truly. My mom was there visiting and luckily got to be there for the whole birth, my doula, Helen Herzig was AMAZING –
Her info: www.aussiedoula.com.
Facebook page: Aussie Doula
Instagram: @aussiedoula
And, my husband, was my rock. I squeezed his hand through every contraction and he made everything more bearable. I CAN NOT imagine doing it without him, and I will never forget looking into his eyes the moment she was born. We were both overcome with so many emotions, and I just fell more in love with him at that exact moment.
My doula, Helen, also put together this perfect video of the delivery (there’s no gory, disgusting photos, don’t worry lol).
If you ever thought about using a Doula, I whole heartedly encourage you to do so. My mom wanted to pay for the doula as my birth present, and at first, I didn’t think I wanted one, but as time went on, I was realizing more and more how much I LOVED having her along the pregnancy, delivery, and even post-baby too!
Also, look up double hip squeeze, because she started doing that during contractions and it was AMAZING how much it helped with dealing with pain, because a few times she stepped out for ice and I HATED contractions without the squeeze. I checked on youtube and there are a few short videos to teach you how to do that!