What’s in your cup?
I have been craving it so much since being home from Punta Cana! I only gained 3 pounds on vacation and already lost half of that from being back in my routine. I used to go crazy when I was on vacation and take everything to eat or drink to the face lol! This trip I tried a bite of SOO many desserts. Literally, I tried so many – but I didn’t like any of them except this fresh coconut ice cream (except it kind of was more ice then creamy – hard to explain lol). My body doesn’t CRAVE sweets like it used to. Breads and pastas aren’t my kryptonite any longer. I still can chow down on some BBQ kettle chips, which I enjoyed yesterday – but I don’t have a BINGE type of personality like I used to.
I used to be bulimic and would eat EVERYTHING I could and make it all come back up becasuse I thought that allowed me to control something in my life when I had no control over anything else.
I was wrong. Eating disorders control YOU — not the other way around!
If you are an ED warrior OR know someone awesome who has overcome an ED – comment below – because together, we are stronger. There’s no SHAME in admitting you had/have an ED – it’s a process and it’s not going to happen overnight or without some serious WORK on your part – but you can come out STRONGER because of it like I have.
I beat bulimia and the demons in my head and I want you to know you can overcome SO much more than you give yourself credit for! 🙌
Remember, you are ENOUGH just the way you are!