I legit went five days of showering and putting my hair in a bun without brushing it… and I had DREADS! Today I put on makeup and brushed my hair just because it feels good to take care of me and feel pretty.
I still have ways to go on my postpartum journey, but instead of focusing on what we want to change, will you tell me something below that you LOVE about yourself?
I love my blue eyes. I love that my whole family has such pretty blue colored eyes. I have no idea if Adley’s will stay blue or not, but right now they are a really deep blue color, so we shall see! Regardless of what color they are, I’m going to make it my mission to teach her to love every part of her sweet little body. I don’t want to talk down about myself EVER because I’m her everything right now, if she hears me talking negatively about someone she looks up to, what does that say about her?
So mamas, PREACH love to yourself and your loved ones. Think about the way you talk to yourself and start changing your negative thoughts to positive ones, because those sweet little eyes are ALWAYS watching you!
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