I told myself I would be open and honest about my Postpartum journey in hopes that I could help others. I have to tell you the transition to being a mom has not been easy. I knew it would be hard, but not this hard.
I find myself exhausted, overwhelmed, frustrated, emotional, and so in love at the same time. I cry every day, sometimes more than others, and I’m not sure WHY I find myself crying. Sometimes it’s because I can’t believe she’s so perfect, sometimes my eyes just well up with tears for no reason, sometimes I cry while nursing her in the middle of the night while she’s putting up a fight. I have an amazing support system and I am trying to take more naps when she sleeps and focus on myself, but it has been SO HARD.
I made an appointment to talk to a postpartum therapist next week just in case it’s more than mommy blues, but she isn’t even 2 weeks old yet, so we shall see.
I know I’m not alone and so many women go through this, but I thought postpartum was for women who were resentful towards their child or upset that they were now a mommy. Mine is not that at all, my heart is so full of love, I didn’t even know I could love someone so much, not to mention falling even more in love with my husband as I watch him as an amazing hands-on daddy!
Exercise is my stress relief and I can’t do that.
Working my business makes me happy and I truly haven’t been able to get any work done.
I hate the way my clothes fit and I need to remind myself that I JUST had a baby.
I KNOW I need to give myself some grace, and that is exactly what I am trying to work on this week. So, if you’ve ever been through this as a new mommy or are going through it now, you’re NOT alone. .
Celebrate yourself. I’ve kept a perfect little human alive for 12 days! 💪🙏👏👏 Go me! 💕