I fought like hell to get to the point where I can think, Wow, I love how my arms are changing, instead of I WISH MY ARMS WERE BETTER.💪
I am a no BS, tough love kind of girl. I’ve pissed people off many times because of it if they don’t get me. I say things to you that other people won’t, because I CARE. I don’t coddle, or say something just because I know you WANT to hear it. I will tell it to you like it is, and I will also be here to help you every step of the way. That being said, I know what it’s like to feel uncomfortable in every damn thing in your closet. I know what it’s like to compare yourself to everyone and their mother. I know what it’s like to be miserable and unhappy with yourself. I coach because I don’t want ANYONE to continue to go through that self destructive thought process alone.
I have a self confidence plan that will help you emotionally as well as physically because you can’t have one without the other. I know some of you have been thinking I couldn’t be a coach because I’m not fit enough, or I don’t know enough people, or I don’t love myself enough yet…. I’ve had so many coaches tell me that and I had a lot of those fears too before I signed up, but what I’ve found is…. You are here to turn your MESS into a MESSAGE. Calling all HOT MESSES coaching is for you. I provide the training, you just show up ready to change lives while working on YOU.
If you’ve thought about it, even for a second, just shoot me a message and let me know or comment below asking for info.
Hands down, the 2nd best YES, I’ve ever said! That first one, was saying YES to marry that boy who I adore! 💋❤️