If you have been seeing my posts about this fun business that I work from my couch, with un-brushed hair, while cuddling with my dog, and think I’m full of crap… Well think again.
It’s real. ?
And guess what?! I’m looking for a few of you awesome ladies to join me!!
If you….
✔Feel like you should be doing something more
✔Are willing to work on your own health & need the accountability
✔Want a better life for you and your family
✔Have a heart for helping others… ⚠ THIS is the sign that you have been waiting for.
From this business, I was able to: pay for my wedding in cash, quit my full time job that I felt so unfulfilled at, pay off a credit card, chip away at my student loans, buy a new car for Matt, AND ***Allow my Husband to quit his job as a restaurant manager working 65+ hours a week, so that he can pursue real estate and be able to have a more flexible schedule.**** I share all of this NOT to brag, but to show people what taking a chance and working on something you’re passionate about can do for you.
Even more so, this business has given me hope and a vision and allows me to dream of what my life can become. And you know why? Because in 2.5 years, so much of it has already come true. MORE than I ever thought possible. ?
Message me, or apply in the link below, ⬇⬇ if you are interested in being one of my new special coaches who I will personally mentor, teach, coach, and provide the tools you need to make your dreams come true as I have done. ?? It might be for you, and it really might NOT be for you. That’s ? your ?decision to make, not mine, no big deal either way, but please, just ask! I want you on my team! ✊??
⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇ Apply to change your life here: bit.ly/RPRHMentorship